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outbound bandung 2013

Outbound Bandung

Outbound Training is a form or method of training course in order to develop capabilities in the fields of management and organization development (personal development) that disimulasikan through game-playing that can be directly felt by the participants with the aim to increase motivation and confidence, creative thinking, sense of togetherness and mutual trust.


1. Team Building
In this program, each participant is required to recognize all the components involved, the bureaucratic inflexibility, rigidity, and communication of knowledge about strengths and weaknesses and the unity of the individual, in addition to the team members must have the attitude of dependence.

2. Team Work
This program emphasizes the ability to increase the performance of the team that is based on personal commitment by team members on the elements that underlie effective team work, such as sharing of the role and sacrifice, mutual respect, open communication and commitment to hold firm, that will become a bond that is capable of kebersaman stimulating work team (team spirit) and ultimately improve the performance of work.

3. Leadership & Empowerment
Participants explore the characters a leader as well as the commitment, vision, ability to actively and mendegar faint tauladan. They can experience characters are so real you can integrate individual competence and empowerment, so contributing to the achievement of a goal.

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